Brett on a Beach

Vibe Check with Brett Martin

Introducing Vibe Check

About the show

Vibe Check is a podcast hosted by Brett Martin, co-founder of Kumospace, that offers insights and tips for thriving in a remote work environment. The podcast features interviews with industry experts, ranging from venture capitalists to digital nomads, who discuss the challenges and benefits of remote work. The podcast aims to explore solutions to the challenges of remote work and to build cohesive and productive teams in a geographically diverse environment. Ultimately, Vibe Check aims to share actionable lessons learned and foster human discussions around remote work life.

Karen Mangia Vibe Check


Culture propels the every day interactions that deifine the work environment. With positive culture, teammates get to know one another and enjoy showing up to work.


Work together with colleagues to accelerate tasks by using the collaboration features of Kumospace.


Visibility offers live insight into teammates’ changing statuses throughout the work day. Akin to a physical office, Kumospace makes it easy to see which colleagues are focusing, collaborating, on a break, or available for a coffee chat.

Meet the Host

Vibe Check is hosted by Brett Martin, an entrepreneur, leader, and investor in the future of work. Brett is the Co-founder of Kumospace, a provider of virtual offices where thousands of remote teams show up for work every day, and the General Partner at Charge Ventures (60+ portfolio companies). He is also an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, where he teaches product analytics.

Brett Martin

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